Join Us for an Exclusive Screening of the latest feature-length documentary about a charismatic Hasidic Chabad rabbi who moved from Brooklyn, NY to Bozeman, Montana, bringing his brand of Judaism to the American west. There he runs into resistance from adversaries including from Neo-Nazis threatening the Montana Jewish community. The film will be available online (by registration) from June 16-18. Followed by a live question and answer session on June 22 at 7:30 PM with featured Chabad Rabbi Chaim Bruk of Bozeman, Montana. Brought to you by: Chabad of Squirrel Hill | Chabad of Monroeville | Chabad of South Hills | Chabad Young Professionals | Chabad of CMU | Chabad House on Campus Full Name First Name Last Name E-mail I would like to receive news and updates by email Submit Should be Empty: This page uses TLS encryption to keep your data secure.